Timber Purchasing

The Wagner Companies utilize 90 million board feet of logs per year. Fully one third of those are purchased as standing trees from private landowners throughout Upstate New York, Pennsylvania and the surrounding states. Wagner is a hardwood sawmill, however, we do get involved with pine and hemlock stands when they are mixed with hardwoods.

Wagner provides one free consultation with a forest owner that is not certain of their goals or current status of the state of your forest. Good communication between the forester and the landowner is the first and most important step in a timber harvest contract.

Wagner will consult with you to address questions or concerns you may have, and determine what steps to take to reach your forest and financial management goals If a timber harvest is needed, Wagner will then select, mark, and measure the trees to be removed in the timber harvest. A timber sales contract is then used to outline the trees harvested as well as other obligations.

Pricing for the timber is based on size, quality, and other aspects of the woodlot such as terrain, location, etc. Wagner is very competitive in its pricing and payment for timber is made up front, before any timber is harvested.

General Steps in Timber Purchasing:

  • Landowner Consultation
  • Initial Woodlot Visit
  • Forest Management Recommendations
  • Timber Marking and Inventory
  • Woods Layout
  • Tree Count and Pricing
  • Contract Development
  • Pay for Timber
  • Schedule Timber Harvest